
The proceeds from the sales of collective art go to.

maintenance  •  help covering the costs of running the site, server and minting app
minting  •  improve the minting experience  •  optional automatic split of users minted stamp – that sends the stamp on mint to the collective addy  •  free art stamp give-away to user on mint
marketplace  •  create an automated backend wordy stamps integration  •  automatically update ndispensers  •  automatically update newly minted stamps  •  wallet connect login  •  artist profiles
libraries  •  stamp animate.js for collective and public use  •  contribute to the javascript library dev fund
yearbook  •  publish a Yearbook of Poetry, showcasing all word wonk and poetry minted on bitcoin stamps – both for 2023 (published in the end of summer) and 2024 (for StampFest 2025).
All writers that are part of the art collective will be featured with highlighted poetry and artist bios. All collective members receive a free copy for both years. A limited number will be sold via the site.
suggestions  • members of the wordy art collective can propose new ideas and different priorities


Create, mint and stamp your sticky note meme, text wording, poetry or ascii art in a limited number of 69 editions.

Send 21 editions of your stamp to the wordy art collective wallet addy:
and let us know via twitter DM or telegram, that you’ve submitted a stamp to the collection and joined the art collective !

We’ll create dispensers, display, list and sell your first lot of stamps on the platform purchase page, feature it on the site, promote it on our social media channels and other poetry or stamps related channels. Hopefully we can help give you gain greater exposure and recognition.
Your initial 21 editions will be offered for 0.00021 BTC – except sticky notes, that are priced at 0.00012 BTC.

You retain full ownership of your wording, poetry or ascii art, and you’re free to do as you please with the remaining 48 stamps.
You can open your own dispensers – at whatever price you wish. If you notify us, we’ll update your stamp details on the purchase page and share it on telegram and twitter. You may swap, auction or give away your artwork, burn your stamps or hodl for future fame.

If you wish to sell more than the standard 21 editions in the art collective collection, you are most heartedly welcome.
Please just notify us beforehand – via socials.

get stampin'