
Wordy is a web platform that allows you to easily create and mint digital prints on bitcoin stamps.

We focus on character and text based art creations. From simple memes, wordings, sticky notes or ascii art – to colourful haiku, classical poetry or short-form prose.
By leveraging recursive SRC-721 tech and using pre-stamped html templates, we’ve made it easy for writers, poets and lovers of words to store text on bitcoin.

Wordy is the brainchild of babalicious, an early pioneer of html based wordings and poetry on bitcoin stamps.
He is the editor-in-chief, frontend designer, socials manager and all-round janitor – making sure everything is clean and runs smoothly.

The platform is developed in collaboration with XJA from Universelle – one of the lead devs in the bitcoin stamps ecosystem. He is the wizard behind the scenes, providing the code and backend tech to make all the minting magic happen.

Bitcoin (BTC) is a digital cryptocurrency designed to act as money and originally intended as a form of payment.
It was introduced to the public in 2009 by the anonymous developer – or group of developers – called Satoshi Nakamoto.

It has a pre-determined market cap of 21 million which can never be increased. Unlike fiat currencies, like dollars, euro or pesos, that governments can print endless amounts of.
Bitcoin utilises a decentralised ledger accounting system that is distributed and stored across multiple locations throughout the world.

It builds upon peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks. Managing transactions and the issuing of bitcoins is carried out collectively by the network.
It is open-source – all code is public and verifiable – and it has never been hacked. Nobody owns or controls bitcoin, so everyone can participate and transact on the network.

Since its inception the bitcoin network and the amount of users has grown exponentially.
Bitcoin has evolved from cypherpunk subculture fringe to become a household name and mainstream darling.
Transforming into a store of value or speculative asset – within mainstream finance – and shapeshifting into a base layer for everything digitally innovative from DAO’s and De-Fi to NFT’s.


Bitcoin Stamps is an innovative protocol that makes it possible to store base64 formatted data on the bitcoin blockchain – specifically in unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs).
The data can be anything digital, but most stamps are small jpg, png or gif pixel images. Due to the costly nature of storing data in this way and the 7 – 8 Kb size restriction.

By etching the data directly in the bitcoin blockchain, stamps are true on-chain NFT’s – unlike Ethereum, Solana or similar blockchain NFT’s, that are mere image pointers, with the actual art stored off-chain.
The stamps data is preserved in such a manner, that it is impossible to prune from a bitcoin node – making stamps uncensorable and immutable forever.
There are two standards on the stamps protocol. SRC-20 being the original basic standard and SRC-721 offering composability and better scaling solutions.


SRC-721 is a stamps standard that enables the creation of advanced, multi-layer and high resolution composable NFTs, recursive libraries or templates.

The wordy digital print templates are css styled html documents that leverage SRC-721 recursive technology.
By referencing the on-chain data – the pre-stamped template – a minimal amount of code is needed to create a text based stamp (aka NFT).

Your poetry text or ascii art characters – along with the styling variables in the template editor that you change – are sent in a small json file to the template. Resulting in a light weight and affordable way of creating high resolution, fully scalable and visually appealing art.

get started

Wordy supports minting and buying via Leather, OKX and Unisat web3 browser wallets.
We are working on integration of StampWallet, StampedNinja and FreeWallet. Whilst exploring options for future support on Phantom and Xverse web wallets.

You need bitcoin – probably at least 100.000 sats – in your web wallet to transact (mint and buy) on the site.

If you don’t have any bitcoin yet, you may buy it on a centralised exchange (like Coinbase, Binance, Kraken or OKX) or via a non-custodial wallet, that has a payment provider integration (e.g. Exodus, Zengo, Phantom, Edge or Trust Wallet).
Alternatively you can buy bitcoin via RobinHood, PayPal, Revolut or similar bank solutions which offer exposure to crypto.

Once you have acquired bitcoin, you need to transfer it to your web wallet.
Your wallet provider or exchange should have details about how to withdraw and transfer your bitcoin.

The crypto space is abundant with grifters and scammers !

Be vigilant and exercise caution when interacting with someone you don’t know on social media.
Don’t click on links or buttons that you don’t know what do.
Never sign transactions that you haven’t read and understand the consequences of !
Never ever share your seed phrase or private keys with anyone !!!

We will not DM or contact you directly.

Join the wordy telegram channel for support questions and specific help – or get in contact via twitter.



Your digital print is minted using the latest OLGA encoding tech – saving up to 50% compared to the classical way of minting stamps.

The predefined minting settings are:
locked  •  this makes it impossible to add to the amount of editions in the future •  you can always burn or destroy some (or all) of your editions – but never add to them
non-divisible  •  doesn’t allow for fractional stamps
keyburn  •  using OLGA encoding, keyburn is no longer needed
asset number  •  your stamp will be assigned a random asset number

You can choose to mint your digital prints as a single 1/1 edition or in multiple editions.

We have set the maximum amount of editions allowed to 999.
If you really believe you need more, please meditate on it for a couple of days and then contact us. We can adjust it for you.

The fee rate determines how fast your digital print will be minted and delivered to your wallet.

Choose a rate – depending on your patience level – and click ESTIMATE.
You can see the calculated price estimate, which depends on the actual fees to transact on bitcoin.
If you choose a new fee rate, you’ll need to click again to recalculate the estimate.

A price estimate to mint your digital print in bitcoin (BTC) and dollar ($).
It’s based on fee rate you set and the current transaction fees.

We recommend you double check your digital print and view it in the POP-UP PREVIEW before minting.

Once your digital art print is ready, press MINT.

A pop-up window will ask you to confirm and sign the transaction with your wallet.
When this is done, your digital print will be broadcasted to the bitcoin network.
Depending on the fee rate, it will soon-ish be picked up by a miner and once confirmed, it will be sent to your wallet address.
You can monitor the progress of your mint transaction on a bitcoin explorer.

If there are any problems and you don’t receive your stamp, get in contact with us on telegram and we’ll sort it out !



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